
Autor Thema: Schneesturm in Nordwesten - kein privater PKW-Verkehr  (Gelesen 448 mal)

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    • Ayn Rand

da kommt der Weihnachtsschnee und schon bricht alles zusammen:

Arctic air has mixed with a southerly flow of moisture creating a near-perfect winter storm scenario in the region. Record 24-hour snowfalls are being reported, throughout Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington. School closures include Garfield-Palouse, Colton, Colfax, and Potlatch. Pullman schools were on a 2-hr delay with buses on emergency rural routes only. UI and WSU remained open. ISP and WSP request that all non-emergency traffic stay off the highways.

Mit anderen Worten: Die Polizei möchte nicht mehr, dass man privat die Highways benutzt.