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Hi,überall, wo es Alkohl gibt, dürfen nur Volljährige rein, und das ist in den USA erst ab 21.
Da gibt es drinking age (ich glaube darum geht es hier) ist von Staat zu Staat verschieden, 18 bis 21.
Volljaehrig in Amerika bedeutet nicht dasselbe wie in Deutschland , also dass man ein Erwachsener ist. Da gibt es drinking age (ich glaube darum geht es hier) ist von Staat zu Staat verschieden, 18 bis 21. Waehlen ist im ganzen Land ab 21 erlaubt.
In allen 50 Bundesstaaten liegt das drinking age bei 21.
The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 states that revenue will be withheld from states that allow the purchase of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21. Prior to the effective date of that Act, the drinking age varied from state to state. Some states do not allow those under the legal drinking age to be present in liquor stores or in bars (usually, the difference between a bar and a restaurant is whether food is being served). Contrary to popular belief, since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, few states specifically prohibit minors' and young adults' consumption of alcohol in private settings. As of January 1, 2007, 14 states and the District of Columbia ban underage consumption outright, 19 states do not specifically ban underage consumption, and an additional 27 states have family member and/or location exceptions to their underage consumption laws. It is an argument in this country whether the age should be 18 or 21 since 18 is the age of majority in most states.Federal law explicitly provides for religious, medical, employment and private club possession exceptions; as of 2005, 31 states have family member and/or location exceptions to their underage possession laws.
Es ist ja auch ein Restaurant dabei, da duerfen Minderjaehrige mit rein. Wenn das Restaurant zu der Zeit nicht geoffnet hat, also nur die Bar, dann nur ab 21.