Hier mal ein Auszug aus der offiziellen Superbowl-Seite. Dann könnt Ihr Euch in etwa die Chancen ausrechnen, dass man bei der Verlosung eine Karte gewinnt - die dann immerhin "nur" stolze $600-$700 kostet. Nicht dass Ihr meint, wenn man Tickets zugelost bekommt, sind diese dann umsonst.
Pro Person werden max. 2 Karten verlost.
The demand for tickets to Super Bowl XLI greatly exceeds our ability to accommodate the majority of our fans interested in attending. Most tickets are made available through the two teams competing in the game, and to a lesser extent through each of our other NFL teams. Remaining tickets for the general public are made available through a random drawing. There is no other means for the general public to purchase tickets. The NFL does not sell tickets to travel or ticket agents.
SB XLI ticket distribution
AFC Champion - 17.5 percent
NFC Champion - 17.5 percent
Host Team (Dolphins) - 5.0 percent
Other 29 Teams - 34.8 percent
NFL - 25.2 percent
Wenn dann noch eine ordentliche handvoll Karten für Sponsoren reserviert sind, da bleiben kaum noch Tickets für die Verlosung übrig.
Nämlich in etwa 1%:
Are tickets sold to the general public?
The NFL distributes approximately 1% of the tickets to fans through an annual Super Bowl random drawing. The drawing is not considered a lottery (there is no charge to enter). This is the NFL's only method of distributing tickets to the general public.
How much are the Super Bowl tickets?
Typically set by NFL owners in early fall, ticket prices for Super Bowl XL were $600 for most seats and $700 for club seats.
Noch Fragen, warum die Karten über e**y und die Broker so teuer sind und warum kaum jemand seine Tickets hergibt, wenn man mal welche ergattert hat?