Halo Rolf
iss aber wohl so
Aus den Alamo Bedingungen :
Option 1: Prepaid Gas
This options allows a renter to pay for the full tank of gas at the time of rental and return the tank empty. No refunds will be given for unused gas.
Option 2: Return Full or Pay Alamo for Gas
This option allows a renter to return the vehicle with a full tank of gas or pay Alamo at the end of the rental for gas used but not replaced. Price per gallon/litre will be higher than local fuel prices.
Important Note: For Europeans booking in the US and Canada, unless included in the rate package, payment for this tank will be required at time of rental. No refund will be given for fuel purchased but not used.
For Europeans booking in the US, the rental rate paid may not include the cost for fuel (unless the Alamo Gold package is purchased). The vehicle will be received with a full tank of fuel. Unless included in the rate package, payment for this tank will be required at time of rental. No refund will be given for fuel purchased but not used.