Der Tunnel im Zion ist meines Wissens nach nur für Wohnwägen etc. gesperrt. Mit einem normalen Auto kann man doch die ganze Nacht durchfahren! Kann jemand mehr dazu sagen?
Der Tunnel ist Nachts nur für "Large Vehicles" gesperrt. Ein Blick in die Parkzeitung aus 2009 gibt hier Auskunft:
Arranging an Escort
Visitors requiring an escort must pay a $15
fee per vehicle in addition to the entrance
fee. Pay this fee at a park entrance before
driving to the tunnel. The fee is good for
two trips through the tunnel for the same
vehicle during a 7-day period.
You will not be following an escort vehicle
through the tunnel. Rangers will stop
oncoming traffi c and when the tunnel is
clear, you will drive down the middle of the
road. We apologize for the delays that many
visitors will encounter as a result of this
safety precaution. Oversize vehicles must
travel through the tunnel during the hours
listed below, when rangers are stationed at
the tunnel:
• Sept. 1 – Sept. 19, 8 am–8 pm daily.
• Sept. 20–Oct. 24, 8 am–7 pm daily.
• Oct. 25–Oct. 31, 8 am–6 pm daily.
• Nov. 1 – Feb. 2009, 8 am–4:30 pm daily