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Autor: Mig
« am: 31.01.2015, 11:13 Uhr »

ich suche noch weiter nach persönlichen Berichten 😃
Autor: Eckensteher
« am: 29.01.2015, 11:33 Uhr »

hi, kennst du diese Berichte?

Tripadvisor Mystery Valley

... To recapitulate: if you love Native history and ancient sites, breathtaking sandstone and fascinating landscape, take this tour, it is very, very well worth it; it's just awesome. With its small, hidden valleys and secret corners, great rock formations as well as towering mesa walls, Mystery Valley nicely complements the sheer-infinity of vast and endless Monument Valley with its sandstone behemoth mesas and buttes. Mystersy Valley is a truly unforgettable excursion.

Hier noch die Preise:

 • Mystery Valley Tour - 3 Hours - $75/person + tax - Reserve Now
Mystery Valley as the name implies is full of mysterious and wondrous rock formations. This tour takes you down Mystery Valley which is restricted to the general public. This route is a more rugged route and may require walking/hiking up inclines to see some of the sites. This tour will show you many mesas, arches, ruins, petroglyphs and much more!
Autor: Mig
« am: 28.01.2015, 11:52 Uhr »

niemand? 😢
Autor: Mig
« am: 26.01.2015, 19:37 Uhr »

hat jemand von Euch Erfahrungen mit Touren ins Mystery Valley und/oder kann mir Tipps dazu geben?