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Off-Road Vehicles: Tire Tracks Across our Natural HeritageFrom pristine beaches and forests to ancient ruins and desert landscapes, our public lands hold some of our most untamed landmarks and important cultural artifacts. Indeed, these places embody American ideals of wildness and originality.But the wide wheels and polluting engines of off-road vehicles have already created significant, if not permanent, damage to this heritage. Off-road vehicles -such as all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and dirt bikes- are currently allowed in countless public land areas, including 59 national parks. A Bluewater Network survey revealed that of these parks, 38 have reported serious damage to their resources.All year long, off-road vehicles run haphazardly across pristine wetlands and marshes, creeks and streams, over beaches, forests, deserts and prairies. They trample and destroy sensitive vegetation thereby increasing erosion rates. Endangered species such as the desert tortoise are often crushed under the wheels of off-road vehicles. Moreover, the noise frightens wildlife and prevents them from hearing sounds important for mating, avoiding predators, and finding prey. Off-road vehicles also cause significant air pollution According to the California Air Resources Board, off-road vehicles such as ATVs can produce 118 times as many smog-forming pollutants as automobiles.The National Park Service has reported a number of disturbing incidences where off-road vehicles have barreled across archeological and cultural areas, destroying historical ruins or crushing rare artifacts. Off-road vehicles have trespassed and damaged sites in at least five national monuments, historic sites, and historic parks.Bluewater Network leads efforts to protect public land resources from damage caused by rampant and irresponsible use of off-road vehicles. Along with a coalition of more than 60 environmental groups, Bluewater Network continues to pressure the National Park Service to keep off-road vehicles on main roads and away from sensitive wildlife, exotic vegetation, and priceless cultural monuments."We are not inheriting these lands from our grandparents, we are borrowing them from our grandchildren." Campaign Director Sean Smith in the spirit of Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe
man kann nur davor warnen ATV's außerhalb der 3. aus mehrfach gefahrenen Spuren entwickeln sich flash-floods......
Leider fehlt mal wieder die notwendige Sachkunde
Ich muss auch sagen, dass es mich auch außerhalb der Schutzgebiete nervt. Gerade im Südwesten sieht man die Spuren dieser Dinger noch jahrelang. Damit werden Landschaften wirklich massiv verunstaltet. Ich denke z.B. an die Strecke Capitol Reef - Hanksville. Links und rechts permanent die Quad-Spuren....