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Autor: Drummond
« am: 16.09.2013, 12:20 Uhr »


sollte jemand aktuell den Rocky Mountain N.P. ansteuern, wie auf der N.P. Homepage zu lesen ist der Park aufgrund der Flutkatastrophe im Boulder County für sämtliche Besucher gesperrt, lediglich die Trailridge Road bleibt vorläufig offen!

Updated Thursday, September 13, 1:00 PM

Note: Phone and internet service is currently unavailable from most of Rocky Mountain National park. We are currently unable to receive or make phone calls outside the local area. Therefore, we may be unable to update this webpage even though conditions may change.

Trail Ridge Road, which is Hwy 34 through the park, is OPEN for essential travel only. Trail Ridge Road will remain open as long as weather and road conditions permit. Trail Ridge Road is wet with low visibility. Watch for potential debris. Conditions continue to change. Hwy 34 is closed from the Fall River Entrance to Deer Ridge Junction. Trail Ridge Road is open from Beaver Meadows Entrance, Hwy 36, through to Grand Lake. However, travelers should plan for the possibility of night closures if conditions warrant.

The rest of Rocky Mountain National Park is closed to all recreational use. This includes the backcountry, all trails, secondary roads, picnic areas, and park campgrounds. Campers have relocated outside the park.

To receive more information about Rocky Mountain National Park once phone service is restored, please call the park's Information Office at 970-586-1206.

Check the News Release section for the latest information.

Schaut schlimm aus!

glg Toni

Als Elb-Anwohner in Sachsen kann man den Betroffenen nur Kraft+finanzielle Unterstützung wünschen.

Trotzdem ein Hinweis in anderer Sache.
Ich bin im Juni von Winterpark nach Estes Park ( -> sehr interessante Stadt zum Bummeln )gefahren.
Leider war ca. die Hälfte des Waldes im NP schon braun bzw. am Absterben.
Es sieht schlecht aus!
Autor: et
« am: 14.09.2013, 18:03 Uhr »


sollte jemand aktuell den Rocky Mountain N.P. ansteuern, wie auf der N.P. Homepage zu lesen ist der Park aufgrund der Flutkatastrophe im Boulder County für sämtliche Besucher gesperrt, lediglich die Trailridge Road bleibt vorläufig offen!

Updated Thursday, September 13, 1:00 PM

Note: Phone and internet service is currently unavailable from most of Rocky Mountain National park. We are currently unable to receive or make phone calls outside the local area. Therefore, we may be unable to update this webpage even though conditions may change.

Trail Ridge Road, which is Hwy 34 through the park, is OPEN for essential travel only. Trail Ridge Road will remain open as long as weather and road conditions permit. Trail Ridge Road is wet with low visibility. Watch for potential debris. Conditions continue to change. Hwy 34 is closed from the Fall River Entrance to Deer Ridge Junction. Trail Ridge Road is open from Beaver Meadows Entrance, Hwy 36, through to Grand Lake. However, travelers should plan for the possibility of night closures if conditions warrant.

The rest of Rocky Mountain National Park is closed to all recreational use. This includes the backcountry, all trails, secondary roads, picnic areas, and park campgrounds. Campers have relocated outside the park.

To receive more information about Rocky Mountain National Park once phone service is restored, please call the park's Information Office at 970-586-1206.

Check the News Release section for the latest information.

Schaut schlimm aus!

glg Toni