Sieht echt übel aus. Ich hab auch letztens mal meine Fotos vom Hoover Dam von 1999 und 2004 nebeneinander gesehen - das ist auch ein ganz schöner Unterschied im Wasserstand.
Auf der Water management Seite für Lake Powell schreiben sie:
The Colorado River Basin has now completed 5 consecutive years of extreme drought. In the summer of 1999, Lake Powell was essentially full with reservoir storage at 97 percent of capacity.
Lake Powell reached a low elevation on April 8, 2005, at 3,555 feet (145 feet from full pool). Reservoir storage had declined to 33 percent of live capacity. The last time Lake Powell had been this low was in May 1969.
Gibt allerdings auch gute Nachrichten, wegen des vielen Regens und Schnees in einigen Regionen in diesem Jahr:
Total unregulated inflow to Lake Powell in April 2005 was 1,188,000 acre-feet, which is 121 percent of average. Unregulated inflow to Lake Powell in May 2005 was 2,893,000 acre-feet, 128 percent of average.
The National Weather Service (in their June mid-month inflow forecast) is forecasting 9.0 million acre-feet of unregulated inflow to Lake Powell this April through July. This is 113 percent of average. Unregulated inflow into Lake Powell in water year 2005 is projected to be 109 percent of average.
The elevation of Lake Powell is projected to increase through mid-July of 2005. Current projections (using the June mid-month inflow forecast) show Lake Powell reaching a peak water surface elevation in mid-July 2005 of about 3,609 feet. At this elevation, Lake Powell storage will be about 52 percent of capacity.