« Antwort #9 am: 02.12.2023, 14:10 Uhr »
Ich habe mal die aktuellste Antwort aus dem Reddit Thread kopiert - das ist so ziemlich genau das gleiche Arrangement wie bei Euch:
Wanted to update since I came to this thread looking for reassurance that the trip.com tix were legit etc. I purchased 2-day tix for 4 ppl recently on 8/29 - saved $200 vs via Universal online so it was hard to pass up when the app/site is def legit but just has reported crap cust service (would not purchase airline tix or hotel through them for this reason) - figured I’d go for it. I made sure first date of using tix/park entry was selected correctly (8/31) before purchasing - can see how operator error might occur here and someone would mistakenly purchase for today’s/current date.
Received payment confirmation almost immediately via email, quickly followed by PDF of tix. I successfully scanned ticket QR code to add to Universal Studios app - that was a relief. Upon reviewing my tkt deets on Universal app, I noticed that the app only featured the tkt issue date, not the all important date of first visit/ticket use - this concerned me as I couldn’t say with certainty that the app had my intended entry date. What if correct date was printed on tix by trip.com but the actual tix when scanned had incorrect date? I know Universal can’t do anything about a third party vendor’s mistake enter anxiety and didn’t relish the thought of purchasing tix at park to get in and then battling with trip.com reportedly crap cust service to get my $400 back.
We arrived at hotel yesterday 8/30, went to Citywalk for movie + meal and afterwards I walked over to ticket booth (no lines in evening) to ask agent if she could check/scan my tix to make sure the entry date was correct and she confirmed they were indeed for next day 8/31 phew! So although we haven’t actually entered park just yet today, can say with confidence that my trip.com purchase was thankfully successful (yahoo!).
Demnach solltest Du eine Universal Studios App installieren, auf den PDF Tickets ist wohl ein Scancode, den Du in die App einliest. Das ist dann die Eintrittskarte. Angeblich kein Problem, allerdings Null Kundenservice bei Rückfragen u.ä.. Ob Du im Zweifel Dein Geld zurückbekommst (wenn beispielsweise ein falsches Datum drauf ist), kann ich nicht sagen. Weiter oben berichtet jemand, dass seine "Payments" (Creditcard und PayPal) nicht akzeptiert worden wären von trip.com, aber das wäre ja noch kein Verlust. Andererseits hat PayPal ja eine Kundenrückversicherung, wenn Du die bezahlte Ware oder Leistung nicht bekommen hast, springt PayPal ein. Seit einiger Zeit ohne Limit (früher max. 1.000,-€).

Bornholm: '88, '91, '94, '96, '03, '10, '20
Korsika: '83, '84, '85, '87, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '95, '97
USA: '96, '97, '99, '02, '05, '06, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11 (2x), '12, '13, '14, '15, '17, '18 , '19, '24
Kanada: '08