Sorry Leute,
aber ich wundere mich mehr darüber,
dass sich hier niemand darüber aufregt,
dass jemand so dämlich sein kann, ein Baby auf
das Band zu legen......
Da hast Du nicht ganz unrecht.
Ich denke, diese Aussage trifft es ganz gut:
"There's an obligation on the traveler to use some common sense," said Larry Fetters, the TSA's federal security director at LAX. "If they don't understand, they should ask somebody. If they ask us, we are generally able to find someone who speaks that language and assist them."
Und um mal wieder die richtige Relation zu bekommen:
"This is only the second time in nearly 20 years that anyone can recall a traveler mistakenly putting an infant through an airport X-ray machine. Since then LAX has served more than 1 billion travelers without an incident of this type,"