Das Ding stammt von der Seite "The Swift Report" - generell ganz witziger Lesestoff.
Hier der Link:
http://swiftreport.blogs.com/news/2005/06/gay_coloring_as.htmlEin Leser hat auch einen sehr schönen Kommentar dazu geschrieben:
The problem with this story is not exactly the content - it's a hilarious parody on American fundamentalism. (not that there isn't any fundamentalism elsewhere) The real problem is that people actually believe this crap! This not necessarily means they are stupid ignorants - anyone can be lured into believing a fake, if it's staged good enough.
Part of the credibility of this fake comes from the general view of American people by other nations. I guess people think this is true, because we've already seen things like this in reality! In my opinion, people really should start to use their brains. This will limit the amount of "serious" reactions to stories like these, and it certainly will take away their credibilty. Stuff like this won't happen anymore, making this article look so off, no-one will believe it...
Sadly, this kind of stupidity is not limited to American people.
Regards, SuSEQ