
Autor Thema: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff  (Gelesen 8541 mal)

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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #15 am: 15.10.2003, 12:17 Uhr »
ich habe die letzten Tage nichts mehr gehört oder im Fernsehen gesehen. Habe eben mal im Review Journal geguckt, da stand, dass Montecore heute wieder den Secret-Garden zurück kommt und über Roy das hier:

Horn, 59, remained in critical condition Monday at University Medical Center. The 600-pound Montecore had bitten his famed animal handler on the neck, and doctors performed two surgeries on Horn, who suffered severe blood loss and a stroke.

Those close to Horn were not specific about his progress but said the prognosis is growing brighter.

"He's making the turn as we speak from survival to recovery," said Dave Kirvin, a spokesman for Siegfried & Roy.

Ansonsten weiß ich auch nichts.


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #16 am: 15.10.2003, 16:04 Uhr »
Yahoo! schreibt dazu unter dem folgenden Link auch was.

Wenn das stimmt, was hier steht, dann ist Roy noch nicht über den Berg!


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #17 am: 15.10.2003, 18:27 Uhr »
Genau so habe ich das dem Bericht im LVRJ auch entnommen. Mich wundert nur etwas, dass man in den Medien da gar nichts mehr hört.


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #18 am: 15.10.2003, 22:38 Uhr »

gestern habe ich gehört, daß Roy nicht mehr künstlich beatmet werden muß. Ich denke, das ist schon mal ein gutes zeichen.



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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #19 am: 16.10.2003, 08:57 Uhr »
Habe heute gelesen, dass es ihm gar nicht so gut geht, wie die Medien immer darstellen. Angeblich ist er halbseitig gelähmt und sein Schädel ist nach wie vor offen, wegen des grossen Drucks. Die Schädelknochen haben sie ihm unter die Bauchdecke eingepflanzt, damit die steril bleiben.
Er war wohl auch eine Minute klinisch tot.

Aber angeblich nicht mehr lebensgefährlich.
grün-goldene Grüsse BigNoseBird
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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #20 am: 16.10.2003, 17:52 Uhr »
In der örtlichen LV Zeitung stand heute dieses:


Schaut wohl alles nicht sehr gut aus.


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #21 am: 23.10.2003, 13:24 Uhr »

Die letzten Meldungen sind schon wieder gut eine Woche alt: Gibt es irgendwo neuere Infos?



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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #22 am: 23.10.2003, 15:58 Uhr »
In der aktuellen Ausgabe der "Bunte" steht eine Telefonnummer drinne, da kann man anrufen und sich erkundigen. Leider bin ich im Moment in Muenchen und habe die Zeitung nicht zur Hand .. aber vielleicht kann Taz die Nummer mal posten ...
:) :)
grün-goldene Grüsse BigNoseBird
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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #23 am: 23.10.2003, 16:23 Uhr »


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #24 am: 29.10.2003, 06:40 Uhr »
Das habe ich eben gefunden:

Some new information was on the wires Tuesday night about the condition of Roy Horn. Sources close to the entertainer said Tuesday afternoon that as part of this challenging time Roy has been moved from the UMC Trauma Center to another medical facility for further evaluation.

Unnamed sources have told local Las Vegas media that Roy Horn has been moved to a medical center in Los Angeles to treat conditions that have happened following Roy's accident.

A statement was released late Tuesday afternoon, by Siegfried and Roy's manager Bernie Yuman. It said, "As Roy's recovery continues, Siegfried and I ask for your continued respect of his family's wishes to maintain his privacy. We understand the great worldwide interest in Roy's recovery, and will continue to provide updates on his condition as is prudent."


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #25 am: 31.10.2003, 06:36 Uhr »
Die neueste Meldung:

Magician listed in serious condition after transfer from Nevada to UCLA facility


The condition of injured magician Roy Horn has been upgraded from critical to serious condition, a UCLA Medical Center official said Wednesday.

The announcement came one day after Horn was transferred from University Medical Center to the Los Angeles hospital.

Prior to the move, Horn had been listed in critical condition since a white tiger mauled him during an Oct. 3 performance of Siegfried & Roy at The Mirage.

On Wednesday, UCLA spokeswoman Roxanne Moster confirmed that Horn was in serious condition.

"Critical is the worst, serious is the next step above that," Moster said. "Doctors here at UCLA have said he's in serious condition and that his vital signs are stable."

UMC Emergency Room Director Dale Carrison said the upgrade is "great news" for Horn.

"Critical means we don't know if you are going to live or die," he said. "Serious means you do have a serious medical condition, but that you're not in imminent danger of dying."

In a prepared statement released Wednesday, Siegfried Fischbacher welcomed the positive news but cautioned that Horn still faces a long road to recovery.

"Roy is making the transition from survival to recovery," he said.

The attack occurred about 45 minutes into the magicians' 7:30 p.m. show before 1,503 people.

Montecore, a 7-year-old white tiger, bit Horn on the left side of his neck and dragged him off the stage.

Horn lost a significant amount of blood before his ambulance arrived at the UMC Trauma Center late on his 59th birthday.

Hospital officials have said the immediate availability of a team of specialists at the Trauma Center probably saved Horn's life.

Sources have told the Review-Journal that Horn's initial surgery, in which doctors had to resuscitate him, ended about 11:30 p.m. Oct. 3.

He later suffered a stroke and was returned to surgery to relieve severe pressure on his brain at about 9:30 the next morning.

Las Vegas neurosurgeon Lonnie Hammargren told the Review-Journal on Oct. 15 that Horn suffered paralysis on his left side following the attack.

Hammargren said such paralysis can be temporary, but said it was difficult to determine a prognosis at that point.

"Paralysis can get better after, but he had a pretty big stroke," he said.

UCLA offers several rehabilitation and speciality centers, including one for stroke victims. The UCLA Stroke Center was one of the nation's first facilities dedicated to taking care of stroke victims.


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #26 am: 06.11.2003, 22:21 Uhr »
Traurige Nachricht...
Laut den neusten US-Medien Berichten, ist Roy Horn nach seinem 3. Schlaganfall ins Koma gefallen. Beide Körperhälften seien gelähmt und er könne nicht mehr mit seiner Umwelt kommunizieren.
Man rechnet nicht mit einer großen Überlebenschance  :'(

Mel on Tour

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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #27 am: 14.11.2003, 10:36 Uhr »
Dieser Bericht stand heute bei Focus im Internet:
Viele Grüße, Mel


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #28 am: 14.11.2003, 13:51 Uhr »
Grausames Schicksal.
Tut mir sehr leid.

Mit dieser Wahrheit wird Siegfried leben müssen. Ich möchte nicht in seiner Haut stecken.
Unsere Urlaubsberichte Nova Scotia/New England oder Südstaaten findet ihr hier:


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Re: Siegfried & Roy - Tiger-Angriff
« Antwort #29 am: 03.12.2003, 06:21 Uhr »
Endlich mal wieder eine Info:

New York: Illusionist Roy Horn of "Siegfried & Roy" is slowly recovering from a tiger attack that has kept him hospitalized since October, his partner said Monday. "He is moving now, little by little," Siegfried Fischbacher said in an interview on NBC's "Today" show. "(He's) speaking a few words...but this develops also every day.
Roy had been off his respirator for two weeks, Fischbacher said, and has recovered enough to spend Christmas in Las Vegas, where the duo were performing at the time of the attack. Horn is a patient at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Horn, 59, was mauled Oct. 3 by one of the white tigers featured in the duo's show at The Mirage hotel-casino in Las Vegas. Fischbacher has suggested that the animal was trying to help Horn, but other animal experts disputed that.