Es wird also mit normalem Wasser gefuellt und dann gibt mann Salz dazu. Hab ich auch schon des oefteren mit normalen pools gesehen. Aha, mann muss nicht soviel teures chlorine kaufen & reinkippen weil Salzwasser es selbst erzeugt. (hab ich auch noch nicht gewusst)
Saltwater vs. Chlorine, Pros and Cons
Saltwater is an expense when it is installed, but after that you do not have to add chlorine as salt makes chlorine. This saves you $60 for every bucket you buy.
Salt is softer on your skin.
The new salt systems are great, as they monitor and clean themselves.
You also do not have the obnoxious little floater in your pool all the time with salt.
Both systems generate Disinfection By Products (DBP). Both systems are very climate dependent and also vary based on pool usage.