Wie waer's denn sonst vielleicht mit einem Austausch-Schueler aus den USA? Es gibt Programme ab 6 Wochen (im Sommer) bis zu 1 Jahr, und da tut ihr einem amerikanischen Jugendlichen ja wirklich etwas Gutes.
Es gibt auch Programme fuer Erwachsene. Da kommt Euch dann eine Einzelperson oder ein Paar besuchen, bleibt ein paar Tage, Ihr zeigt die Gegend, usw. Meistens reisen die Leute in einer ganzen Gruppe, es ist also schon irgendwie alles von einer Gesellschaft o.ae. organisiert.
Vielleicht waere das ja etwas fuer Euch.
Bekannte von mir waren z.B. mit "Friendship Force" schon ein paar Mal weg, u.a. in England.
Hier eine kurze Info:
The Friendship Force was originated by Wayne Smith and President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter during the Carters' years in the White House. These founders envisioned that friendships among people of different nations and cultures not only would be personally enriching for participants,but could contribute to world peace on a broad scale.
Their idea has proved its merit. Friendship Force programs have created tens of thousands of enduring friendships and helped to establish ties among businesses, institutions and communities throughout the world
You are invited to stay in the home of some friends you haven't yet met! Our exchanges typically include a one or two-week homestay with optional post-exchange touring in the region. Each exchange is led by an experienced Friendship Force club leader who will gladly discuss all of the details with you."
Oder auch:
Friendship Force International is a non-profit organization dedicated to the principle that each person can make a contribution to global goodwill. Home hospitality - the heart of a Friendship Force exchange- provides the opportunity for people of different countries and cultures to connect at a personal level. More than half a million participants have experienced the personal enrichment and cross-cultural understanding that results from a Friendship Force exchange. The ever-widening Friendship Force global network represents a powerful and growing force that can overcome differences between people and nations.
http://www.friendshipforce.org/Koennt Euch da ja mal weiter drueber informieren