
Autor Thema: Reifenwechsel vom AAA ohne (ADAC-) Mitgliedschaft?  (Gelesen 11311 mal)

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Re: Reifenwechsel vom AAA ohne (ADAC-) Mitgliedschaft?
« Antwort #45 am: 04.08.2012, 21:58 Uhr »
also auf der ADAC-Seite steht:
Europäische Allianz für Autofahrer
Gegründet in Brüssel 1991.

Aufgabe: Zusammenarbeit der europäischen Clubs bei den Mitgliederleistungen.

Die acht führenden Automobil-Clubs in Europa haben sich unter dem Dach »ARC Europe« zusammengefunden. In Zukunft werden überall in Europa Autofahrer in Not auf umfassende Hilfe, Schutz und Rat bauen können. Mehr

Folgt man den Link "Mehr" landet man bei ARC-Europe. Dort steht:
ARC Europe works closely with motoring associations worldwide. Below, please find the links to some of our main affiliates worldwide
da ist dann der Link zu - dort steht:
Services for International Automobile Club Members Visiting the United States
AAA paper maps, AAA TourBooks, and AAA Travel products, services and accessories are available for purchase in AAA Club offices for FIA or GMA member clubs.
Travel Information and Services
Access to AAA online travel tools, including TripTik® Travel Planner which includes digital maps, personalized itineraries and all the content of AAA’s TourBooks®, as well as car and hotel reservations. Contact your club for more details.
Emergency Roadside Assistance
If visiting for 90 days or less, you are entitled to BASIC Emergency Roadside Assistance to include:

•Towing an eligible vehicle at least three (3) miles in any direction from point of disablement, or back to the responding facility, free of charge. Additional mileage charges will be at the member’s expense and will not exceed prevailing rates of the region. Towing shall be provided for light-duty trailers, excluding fifth wheel trailers, being towed at the time of disablement. At the Club’s discretion, members may be required to pay for towing the trailer.
•The vehicle will be extricated or winched when it can be safely reached from a normally traveled road or established thoroughfare. If special equipment, more than one truck, or more than one person is required, the associated cost may be at the member’s expense.
•Charges for flatbed service requested by members, when not required by the AAA Towing Manual, may be passed on to the member. Flatbed service charges are not applicable if a flatbed is required due to accident damage or if it is the contractor’s primary service vehicle. 
•Mobile battery service/jump starting and/or temporary adjustments. 
•Flat tire service including changing a flat tire when an inflated, serviceable spare is available. 
•A limited supply of fuel will be delivered to a member’s disabled vehicle, enabling the member to reach the nearest service station. Members may be charged up to the current pump price for the fuel.
•Lockout and key service; If the key that operates or provides access to the passenger compartment of the vehicle is lost, broken, or the service provider cannot gain entry, the Club shall provide locksmith service up to $50, or reimbursement of commercial locksmith service up to $50.  If necessary, the Club also will provide tow service.  Members are entitled to up to $50 worth of locksmith service at the scene, exclusive of any charges for en-route mileage.   

Bedeutet für mich nicht nur:
Zwar gelten die im AAA zusammengeschlossenen amerikanischen Automobilclubs als äußerst kulant und hilfsbereit wenn deutsche Touristen einen ADAC-Clubausweis vorzeigen, ein Anspruch auf kostenlose Pannenhilfe besteht in den USA jedoch nicht.

Wie gesagt bei meinen Schlüsselnotdienst, sowie beim Kartenmaterial war zwar das Vorzeigen meiner Mitgliedskarte erforderlich - dann bekam ich die Leistung (wie eben oben beschrieben)
liebe Grüsse Brigi
Reiseberichte kreuz und quer durch die USA und Kanada, mit vielen Informationen und Fotos