Danke für Tipps!
Hallo nickcroft,
ich war vor ca. 1 1/2 Jahren beim Antrag meiner Tochter auch reingefallen. Wir hatten allerdings per Lastschrift bezahlt und diese dann zurück gegeben. Nach einiger Zeit kam eine "böse" Email, die wir nicht beachtet haben. Vorsorglich hat ein Arbeitskollege mal bei einem befreundeten amerikanischen Anwalt nachgefragt, wie der Fall zu beurteilen ist. Hier ein Auszug dessen Antwort:
I took a quick look at the web-site. It really gives no indication
where it originated. Perhaps the site really is something that the US
Department of Homeland Security should be told about. The application form
requires the disclosure of private information, and it is difficult to know
who will get their hands on that information.
In the last ten years, the privacy laws of the United States have become
much more strict. Even lawyers such as myself are required to examine
every legal pleading to make sure that no private information is contained
in a public legal filing.
The site contains a tiny disclaimer at the bottom that it is a private
site, and that tiny disclaimer is designed to avoid any charges that law is
being broken. Nonetheless, in the United States, the "gov.org" domain is
only assigned to actual government agencies. The name of the domain
strongly creates the impression that the user is dealing with a
governmental agency. With the use of the eagle seal and all, the site is
very misleading. I therefore tend to believe that the real domain name is
something else, and is "spoofing" a governmental domain, with the goal of
misleading the public. A few very subtle points about the language usage
causes some suspicion in my mind that the fake site was created outside the
United States, by someone who is not a native user of the American style of
Nachdem wir monatelang nichts weiter gehört hatten, kam Ende letzten Jahres noch eine 2. Mahnung per Mail. Daraufhin habe ich die obige Antwort des Rechtsanwaltes zurück gemailt und seither nichts mehr von diesen "staubigen Brüdern" gehört!