Tja und jedem (Frisör etc.) hat der gute Mann erzählt dass angeblich vorher 2x bei ihm eingebrochen worden ist.
Der Polizei hat er das vorher aber nicht angezeigt, sondern erst nach seiner Festnahme kam das Thema zur Sprache. Ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt...
Und in einem ähnlichen Fall hat die US Justiz dem Schützen auch schon mal deutlich die Grenzen aufgezeigt:
"Byron Smith, a 65-year-old retiree, unsuccessfully used that defense to justify his shooting of Nick Brady, 17, and Haile Kifer, 18, after the cousins broke into his Little Falls home in 2012. Smith's attorney said his client's home had been burglarized, and he was afraid.
Smith was convicted of premeditated murder Tuesday. Prosecutors said Smith moved his truck to make it look as though no one was home. He turned on a handheld recorder, had a surveillance system running and waited in the basement with food, water and two guns.
Brady descended the basement stairs first, and Smith shot him three times, saying "You're dead." He dragged the body to another room and waited until Kifer followed, and he shot her. "You're dying," he told her, according to the audio recording." anderen eine Grube gräbt fällt selbst hinein oder wie war das?